Week 9(July 24-August 2): 2nd Presentation & Team Based assessment
In this blog, I will divide my reflections into two distinct sections. The first section will revolve around the tasks I successfully completed during this week and provide insights into my future assignments. The second section will focus on the presentation I had the honor of delivering in front of the esteemed DSOMM community. During the presentation, I discussed leveraging data-driven strategies and machine-learning algorithms to solve industry challenges. It was an enriching experience, and the engaging Q&A session further highlighted the importance of knowledge-sharing and collaboration.
Section I
I was able to get the Team-based assessment in the working state. It did have some bugs but I’ll fix them in the following week. To discuss the achievements in detail, here are the key points:
- Team data from meta.yaml: Previously, the team list was acquired from generated.yaml, which made the dataset redundant.
- The “Tags” expansion panel was added in the overlay
- %done for the heatmap was fixed and now it will color the heatmap based on teamsImplemented variable and not isImplemented.
- Reset Implemented function needed some rework and was aligned with teamsImplemented variable.
- Removed toggleCheckbox(): Since isImplemented variable is of no use, thus the purposeless code was removed.
- Team Filter: MatChip was added and single select functionality was added to simulate the filter button. Also, the ALL button was added so that the combined data is also visible. With this when the filter is selected, the color of the heatmap is also changing depending on the team.
- When a single team is selected on the filter, and a task is checked, the color of that cell will reflect all the teams and not the team selected.
- We also need to add functionality so that multiple teams can be selected in the filter.
- Predefined team groups should also be created and added to the team filter.
Section II
I presented the current version of DSOMM to 2 customers; Patrick Tschackerf and Thorsten Hillebrand. Although, they really liked the updated version and praised my efforts. There were a few minor features they discussed:
- When team filter is active, below the task, only teams which are selected on the filter should be visible.
- In Reset Implemented, display a warning that only the local storage will be reseted.
- Add a tobeReviewed variable, so that the user can mark a few task important and it should display a warning sign beside that task.
- A popup can be added when mouse is hovered over the heatmap which can show the detailed info of the number of checks it has. Also, there should be a toggle switch to disable this popup permanently.
After the presentation, Timo asked me if I would like to give a detailed presentation in Open Security Summit scheduled in the month of October’23. They also mentioned that I can give a talk in a cyber security event or meetup, which is good because I’ve already attended a few tech events and It’ll be great to give a talk at a few future events.
This was the summary of my 9th week contributing to OWASP.